Friday, 16 December 2022

Create A Business Plan : Yourself Or With Experienced Experts

For you as a founder, the questions quickly arise: Should I create my business plan myself or would I rather have it created?

 Do I trust myself to write a convincing plan or am I rather unsure? Do I want or can I invest money to get help with the creation? And are there any other questions I might have as part of my start-up that I need individual answers for?

Thursday, 15 December 2022

Financial Companies Are Seeking The Advantage Of Algorithms Inspired By Quantum Computing

 In 1994, Peter Shor, a mathematician, presented an algorithm for quantum computing. With this algorithm, the time it takes to find the prime factors of huge numbers is greatly reduced. Conventional transistor-based computers theoretically needed billions of years, which can be reduced to a few days with quantum computing.

Real Estate As A Long-term Investment : What Should You Consider?

If finances are integrated into a house or apartment, it is not as significantly subject to inflation. As tangible assets, real estate is th...